Choose the template that best suits your needs

To start, SevenDaysWeb offers website templates which are extremely elegant in style, structure and functionality, to highlight contents and facilitate communication. Select one and register for a straight start with your new website !

Choose the template that best suits your needs

Organize and publish contents

Add contents and publish them. Our publishing environment helps you to easily organize your homepage and section pages; documentation explains you how to do it. You have all the time you need to set up and test your website: the base version is free !

Organize and publish contents

And when you are ready ...

When you are ready to launch your website, choose your permanent domain name and move to the paid version for a small annual fee.
With the paid version your domain is included in the annual fee and you have access to our permium services.

... you only pay for what you need

Annual fees start from 18 €/month for feature-rich models and give you access to our premium services like web traffic increase support or custom development of new functionality.

With SevendaysWeb your website can grow to support very high traffic peaks and integrate, upon your request, all new functionality we make available on our platform in time.

... you only pay for what you need

Everything you need in a single platform

You can start from the portfolio template and evolve your wesite by adding blog, photogalleries or e-commerce. Whatever requirement you may have, it always fits in the standard SevenDaysWeb platform.

Everything you need in a single platform

Your contents always aligned

Text, images, previews: you can organize your pages as you wish. The content will always be aligned in the grid of your model.

Your contents always aligned

Image Library

Upload and classify your images into the Image Library. Set the focal point for an optimized crop. Use images in your website pages, banners and photogalleries.

Image Library

Customize the look of your website

Change the color theme, choose the most suitable cover, structure the homepage with the contents you want. Make your website unique and personal with a few tricks.

Customize the look of  your website

Choose your collaborators

Invite collaborators to help manage your website; set individual permissions, from publisher to administrator, so they are always under control.

Choose your collaborators
Share Buttons

Share Buttons

You can display the buttons of your favorite social networks on website pages, to allow visitors to share the content of your site.

Google & SEO

Google & SEO

All websites are optimized for easy indexing by Google and most important search engines. Besides that, our software is constantly updated to improve SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and the visibility of your site on the web.

Cloud Hosting

Cloud Hosting

Our cloud infrastructure is reliable because it uses the best hosting providers. Thanks to it, you don't need to install patches or updates nor to do any maintenance on the server; it is all included in the service we provide.

Smartphones and Tablets

Smartphones and Tablets

When built with SevenDaysWeb, your site is also visible on smartphones and tablets. Some layouts are also responsive, i.e. they automatically adapt to the device.