Internal Users

In this section the site manager can manage users allowed to access administration and configure their role.

As shown in the image below, the summary page displays the list of internal users and allows to edit their configuration settings.

Owner. The user who created the website is set as "owner" and is given the "site manager" role, i.e. he/she can use all administration functions and create other users. 


To invite a collaborator, click on the corresponding button on the upper-right side of the page.

Enter the collaborator's email and the role you wish to assign him/her. Choose the role among:

  • Publisher - Writes and publishes contents
  • Editor - Manages categories, writes and publishes contents
  • SiteManager - Website administrator, has all administrative permissions.

Click on the "Save" button to create the new user and invite him/her by sending an invitation to his/her email address.

The new user receives an email from SevenDaysWeb support, requesting to confirm the invitation by clicking on a link.

The link opens SevenDaysWeb administration and displays the Profile settings page, where the user can complete his/her account information and start working.


Some internal user settings may be edited also after the invitation is sent:


As seen above, the currently available internal user roles are:

  • Publisher - Writes and publishes contents
  • Editor - Manages categories, writes and publishes contents
  • SiteManager - Website administrator, has all administrative permissions.
Enabled Toggles the ability for the user to access SevenDaysWeb administration
Owner One and only one of the internal users can be the site owner. The user who created the website is the site owner by default, but site ownership can be transferred to another user by setting this flag.
Show all images Toggles the ability for the user to edit or delete all images in the Image library. if this flag is disabled, the user may edit or delete only the images he/she uploaded.
Published on 08/04/2013